Become an affiliate today!

Affiliate program details:

  1. 20% commission (unless a different amount has been agreed upon directly with Daily Harvest Designs) on referred enrollment purchases to My Own Edible Landscape
  2. Cookies last 30 days from your referred contact's first click (you will get a commission if they purchase up to 30 days after their first click on your affiliate link)
  3. Payment options:
    1. automatically via PayPal 15 days after referred contact enrolls and, for monthly payment plans, after each monthly payment is made
    2. manually - select from a mailed check, bank transfer, PayPal, or Venmo. The first payment will be made 15 days after a student enrolls. Any subsequent payments will be made by the 5th of each month.

Benefits of becoming an affiliate partner:

  1. Earn money easily without having invested thousands of hours into course creation
  2. Get access to marketing materials that have already been created
  3. Your marketing materials can reach your followers several times before the 30 day cookie expires
  4. Your payments will arrive automatically without any additional steps

Interested in joining our affiliate program? 

Simply click the appropriate button below then fill out the application form.

If accepted, we will contact you within 10 business days.

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ThriveCart is a powerful tool that offers a range of exciting affiliate program options. For more information, please visit:

Q: Are marketing materials provided?
A: Yes!  You will have easy access to our marketing kit.

Q: What’s inside the marketing kit?

  • Product highlights, features, and benefits
  • Taglines and key marketing phrases
  • Marketing images in a variety of sizes
  • Branded color hex codes
  • Contact info

Q: Are there any upfront costs?
A: Nope!  Once accepted, you can begin marketing to your network using our marketing materials.  Your only investment is your time.

Q: How does the affiliate link work?
A: You will be assigned a unique affiliate link.  If someone purchases up to 30 days after their first click on your affiliate link, you will receive a commission.

Q: When will I get my payout?
A: For automatic payments setup via PayPal: 15 days after referred contact enrolls and, for monthly payment plans, after each monthly payment is made.  For manual payments, select from a mailed check, bank transfer, PayPal, or Venmo. The first payment will be made 15 days after a student enrolls. Any subsequent payments will be made by the 5th of each month.

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